This is the first 3ds Max video tutorial in this new section called Interior where i would like to show you how to model different things which you can find in living room, kitchen and other areas of interior starting with modeling three different lamps. In the tutorial we will according a reference model three lamps starting with a simple one and continue with more difficult using poly modeling technique in 3ds Max. Starting from a primitive cylinder in 3ds Max we will shape the model using editable poly to a lamp. Using similar technique we will model a detailed model of a bulb including the wires inside. Using subdivision and smooth modifier we will achieve smooth and without failure our models.
At the end we will use our new material library to apply materials and create lightning for a scene and finally render using mental ray.
- Modeling three different lamps in 3ds Max
- Modeling a detailed bulb
- Using editable poly to add details
- Smoothing the object using subdivision and smooth modifier
- Starting to use our material library
- Lightning using MR Photometric Lights
- Rendering with Mental Ray
- 02:50:00
- 3ds Max 2012