
Roman sword, shield and javelin in 3DsMax

Roman sword modeling 3ds MaxThis is the first 3ds Max video tutorial in this news section called Medieval where i would like to show you how to model swords, shields, siege weapons and other from this age. Even that Roman don’t belong there i decided to anyway do these. We will go through modeling using a reference picture from a primitive cylinder in 3ds Max and shape it using editable poly to the sword on the reference. Using similar technique we will make the shield and after with few steps the javelin. Using subdivision we will achieve smooth and without failure our models.

At the end i will show you how to make  materials and render for these objects and set up the lightning in 3ds Max. After we will render Ambient and Z-Depth map for Lens Blur and do some postproduction in Photoshop.

  • Modelling a Roman sword using a reference
  • Modelling a Roman shield using a reference
  • Modelling a Roman javelin
  • Using editable poly to add details
  • Smoothing the object using subdivision
  • Materials using Arch&Design
  • Lightning using MR Photometric Lights
  • Rendering, Ambient map and Z-Depth map
  • Postproduction in Photoshop

  • 02:20:00

  • 3ds Max 2012
  • Photoshop (optional)