
Modeling iPhone4 in 3DsMax

3ds Max tutorials iPhone4In this video tutorial for 3ds Max I will show you how to model the Apple iPhone4 using a reference. At the beginning we will prepare our scene with the reference pictures and place it them into 3ds Max. We will start the modeling process from a box creating a rough shape of the model using poly-modeling technique. Slowly and step by step we will form the shape of the iPhone4 and start tu inset more and more details for the buttons and plugs which are on the phone. We will also use Photoshop to create and edit our texture for the model and use post-production to improve our final render.

Using subdivision we will achieve smooth surface. At the end i will show you how to make materials and render for these objects and set up the lightning in 3ds Max using Standard lights and Mental Ray. With the Standard lights I want to show you that even with the basics tools in 3ds Max you achieve nice results.

  • Modeling an iPhone4 using a reference
  • Each detail will be modeled
  • Using one primitive to do the whole model
  • Using editable poly to add details
  • Smoothing the object using subdivision
  • Materials using Arch&Design and Raytrace
  • Lightning using Standard Lights
  • Render using MentalRay
  • Postproduction in Photoshop

  • 04:15:00

  • 3ds Max 2012
  • Photoshop (optional)