Modelling Nokia 5630 using 3ds max–Part 1

Modelling Nokia 5630 using 3ds max – Part 1

After the iPhone4 and HTS Desire tutorial i decided to do also a „classic“ mobile phone with buttons Nokia 5630. The main difference is obviously in the „buttons“ the devices before had none or just few but this one have them plenty enough to make the shape quite difficult to model. As by other tutorials the first step would be placing the reference images into our scene and set-up the environment for modelling. Using a primitive we will model a rough shape of the mobile phone and using editable functions add more details and polygons. After the rough shape would be done i will start adding details starting with the USB and jack plug on the top of the mobile.

By this i will use „shape merge“ functions to bake shapes and our model together creating new edges for plugs and buttons. After finishing the work on the top of the phone we will jump straight to the back and sides creating the camera with flash and the buttons. By this we will use again the editable poly techniques we used by other details as well by other tutorials and so slowly shape and add details to our phone. In this “Part 1” I will stop in a certain moment keeping some details, changes, fixes and the front buttons for the “Part 2”. In the “Part 2” I will not only finish the details on the phone but also create maps and textures inside Photoshop. You can download the reference materials and as well watch the tutorial below and if you have any questions, just write us.

  • Modelling Nokia 5630
  • Modelling using a reference
  • Modeling a high-poly model
  • Using poly-modelling technique
  • Using editable poly to add details
  • Smoothing the object using subdivision

  • 03:00:00

  • 3ds Max 2012