RandomControl gives 30% off


RandomControl started a promotion for christmas, with -30% on all the shop. This discount is also for their flagship rendering technologies fryrender and Arion.

fryrender is the physically-based light simulator developed by RandomControl. It is a photo-realistic render engine where all the elements involved in the generation of the final image (materials, lights and cameras) are based on physically accurate models. On fryrender, when you hit the render button, a simulation of the real behavior of light happens inside. Because of this, it is possible to achieve hyper-realistic results with minimal effort.

About new version of Arion we wrote some days ago. It is the hybrid-accelerated and physically-based light simulator developed by RandomControl. It inherits all our expertise in light simulation and makes it run on steroids, thanks to our very unique approach to massive CPU+GPU+LAN computation. Arion uses all the GPUs -and- all the CPUs in your system simultaneously, not wasting a single flop available. Additionally, Arion can use all the GPUs and all the CPUs in all the other computers in your network forming a cluster for massive computation. In that regard, Arion is a grid-computing solution to the problem of light physics simulation. Simultaneous GPU+CPU+LAN, combined with exhaustively optimized code, is what in RandomControl call hybrid acceleration.

In gallery bellow you can see Arion in action:

(Rendered in Arion using a single Core i7 + 2 GeForce 580 GTX -- Resolution: 800x420 -- Rendertime: 10 min)


For more details visit: RandomControl
