
LuxRender 0,8 Released

Blender, LuxRender New LuxRender is finally out. This version is follower of 4 candidates before. LuxRender 0,8 (GPL, unbiased, physically based rendering engine) represents a new stable version. This version brings many improvements and new features e.g. new materials or new volume rendering features. 




Future of automobile industry powered by Modo 501

Modo Luxology

Australian industrial design firm Design+Industry was asked by Strike Motors to turn a radical concept for a three-wheeled “trike” into a commercially manufacturable vehicle. The Trike is a high-performance half-car, half-motorcycle that seats two people and combines phenomenal acceleration with excellent ride stability, amazing cornering capability and strong stopping power. 

Missing mat library in 3DsMax 2012

3DsMax 2012If you noticed that in the „materiallibraries“ folder the material library 3dsmax.mat is missing after you installed 3DsMax 2012 or 3DsMax 2012 Design you can download a fix from Autodesk webpage. To fix the problem just go to autodesk webpage and download the missing library and move to your 3DsMax 2012 folder.  For example, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2012\materiallibraries. After this restart your 3DsMax if it was running and the problem should be solved.

Maya 2012 Hotfix 2 is available

Autodesk Maya

Maya 2012 Hotfix 2 is already released and available to download. About this release we already informed you, but recently apeared an update on the autodesk download page which can mean some changes in the download packages. This hotfix also indicates a service pack release shortly. Once again the fixes in this hotfix for Maya.

AsileFX released a new training DVD for Vue

Default picture of 3d-sphereTopic of this training DVD is Plant Design & EcoSystem Functions. It includes nearly 6 hours of training for Vue Infinite/xStream and Photoshop. This training focus on how to learn to customize Vue plant species, create custom texture maps in Photoshop, and design ecosystem functions in Vue, and more. 
