
MachStudio Pro for free

DEfault picture 3D-SphereStudioGPU is launching a news business model and because this they offer MachStudio Pro for free download. MachSturio Pro is incredibly piece of software which change the way how 3D Artists work, they workflow and so save them valuable time and money.

note: The url is temporally down

Source and full article: StudioGPU

Autodesk Releases Free 3D App

Default picture 3D-Sphere

Yes, you are reading right. The leader in 3D and Visualization tools bring to "people" a design application, complete with pushbutton 3-D printing services. Autodesk 123D beta differs from other free 3-D modeling software like Google Sketchup in that it's designed to let you easily fabricate objects, not just visualize them. The software's "Make It" link will let you push your 3-D file to fabricating partners.

Maxon helps to ensure realization of “ The Last Cause”

Default picture of 3d-sphere.comThe last Cause is scifi melodrama with Anime influence. It is directed by Linh Mai, who assembled a team of talented artists. They have to make proof of concept. Kind of shortfilm, thet they like a team are capability to execute such a project. And for that reason they need help. MAXON, whose software CINEMA 4D is the modeling and animation software of choice for this project, 


Shape Magic 2.1 for free

Defaul picture 3D-SphereRecently ShapeMagic 2.1 became a freeware and you download it from the developer page. ShapeMagic was a commercial program which was sold on 3D Commune store until 2009 when the site was closed. The developer decided to reopen his work and now he transformed the commercial product to a freeware which you can download from his web page. He also made available few more tools which he wrote lately in 2001-2003. If you want, check it out.

BlenRig 4.0 released

Default picture BlenderJuan Pablo Bouza has released BlenRig 4.0 – Auto Rigging & Skinning for Blender 2.57b. BlenRig is an automatic rigging system that uses an armature and a mesh deform cage to produce a ready to use rig with nice deformations and a wealth of animator friendly controls.
