
Performance optimization in progress

3D-Sphere tutorialsEven that the average speed of internet connection is rising and also the present computer systems can handle a lot internet connections, request and large amount of data the importance of light weight web-sites is still present (see for example google.com). Because of this and the periodically maintenance which we do at 3D-Sphere.com we started performance optimization process to ensure the stability and speed of the web-site. This process includes; SQL table optimization, purging empty dB tables, compressing CSS and Java formats, compressing HTML, temporary files delete, image optimization and other.

During this you shouldn’t notice any errors or bad request and sit shouldn’t influence your experience at 3D-Sphere.com at all. After all, these changes are small and most of you will not notice any change but they belong to the maintenance process. This optimization is also a step before the “main” maintenance which we will start during the Christmas holidays where 3D-Sphere.com would be for few hours not available. We will inform you about this at least a week and a day before the maintenance will start. We hope that none of you will experience any troubles or bad request (HTTP) here. If you will come across any broken link, HTTP 404 or around any error here, please let us immediately know and we will fix it as soon as we can. For this you can use our contact form at the top of the page or directly write to: support (at) 3D-sphere.com.

3D-Sphere Administrator