
Small changes at 3D-Sphere

3D-Sphere newsDuring the last few weeks together with the optimization process we also slight changes some elements on the site. One of the major changes one was the preview video which we included into all tutorials to allow the users to watch around 5 min from the tutorial and then decide if it’s fine for them to download. The minor changes from which you probably didn’t noticed all of them was a slightly change in the form how we write the tutorials and also the comment system.

The tutorial page is now more ordered in the form and it’s easier to read for the user. This kind of changes we are trying to do all the time to ensure the attractiveness of 3D-Sphere. If you have any suggestions to the web-site or to the forum you can write us using the contact form located in the top menu or using our forum.

After discussing the upcoming tutorials and also because some requests we decided to change the order in which they will appear and would be published. The next tutorial should be the long awaited tutorial for texturing the Laser Rifle featuring more Photoshop than 3DsMax and creating the texture using images on the web.

We would also like to put into your attention that a maintenance of 3D-Sphere is planned during the holidays and cause this the site would be not available for some time (planned is 1h). During this maintenance we want to change the directory structure on our server and to move some sections into different folders. So, if you ever linked to our tutorials, some of them may return 404 error because this change and you will need to change the links, but they would be still there and accessible through our web-site. About the maintenance we will inform few days before.

If you have any questions on us, want to contact us or report a bug, please use the contact form located in the top menu or write directly to: admin (at) 3D-sphere.com.

3D-Sphere Administrators