
Maxwell Render plug-in update

MaxwellMaxwell updated Maxwell Render plug-ins for the following 3D applications; Rhino, Cinema 4D and Solidworks. The update for all software’s is featuring several changes and fixes. The Rhino version of the plugin was updated to version 2.5.13 featuring now Maxwell Fire in Rhino viewports;

· Maxwell Fire rendering may now be viewed directly in the viewport

· Objects with no texture coordinates are no longer excluded from export

· Right-clicking the Maxwell Fire button both opens the window and starts rendering

And fixing several bugs like a crash which could occur in Maxwell Fire when changing environment type, not resetting of Displacement and Global bump to an MXM file and more.

Interview: About NOX Renderer

NOX renderWe asked Evermotion to answer few question about their unbiased renderer called NOX. The renderer is still in development and in beta stage (currently version 0.3.41) but already the first results are looking very promising. About the updates which Evermotion did on NOX you could read also before here at 3D-Sphere, now you can read something about the renderer himself. We would like to thank again Evermotion for answering our questions. Be sure to check NOX and try yourself. Read the whole interview below.


Cebas at SIGGRAPH 2011

Cebas finalrenderCebas announced participation at SIGGRAPH 2011 held in Vancouver from the 9th to the 11th of August. Cebas will join companies like Autodesk and Chaos Group who will be there too. This year Cebas will present its solution to the next generation rendering challenges industry professionals will be facing in the near future. Promoting its new credo: "You will always be Faster ™", cebas  new algorithms based on the GPUs which taking the leading in rendering technologies can now be found in their latest release of finalRender™ and thinkingParticles™.

FurryBall 2.1 released


FurryBall is unique real-time GPU renderer in production quality implemented directly into Maya. You can see your render in real-time hairs, Maya Fluids, with bumpmaps, textures, soft shadows, reflections and refractions, ambient occlusion and colour bleeding, depth of field and many other features directly in Maya viewport. 

NOX renderer 0.3.41 open beta

nox renderer

Programmers in Evermotion are still improving their NOX renderer. In two weeks is this already second update. This release improves blender script, e.g. fixes concerning export failure, added deleting texture, added render button. This update also includes these changes: nox logo turning off and merge scene function. 
