
Modeling Interior Furniture in 3DsMax

3ds Max video tutorial chairsWe continue our series about interior 3D modeling with this tutorial about modeling interior furniture using Autodesk 3ds Max. In this tutorial we will using reference images model different objects which you can find inside any interior by starting with a simple conference table. Starting from a primitive object we will shape the models according our reference picture using poly-modeling technique. Like this we will model overall five models including a conference table and a wardrobe. Using subdivision and smooth modifier we will achieve smooth look of all our models.

At the end we will use our material library to apply materials to our models, create lightning and render using mental ray. The tutorial is watchable using the player below.

  • Modeling different furniture in 3ds Max
  • Including; conference table and wardrobe
  • Furniture will be modeled according a reference
  • Starting from a primitive
  • Using editable poly to add details
  • Smoothing the object using turbosmooth
  • Using our material library for materials
  • Lightning using MR Photometric Lights
  • Rendering with Mental Ray

  • 02:30:00

  • 3ds Max 2012