Maskarad Batch by Di-O-Matic

Maskarad BatchDi-O-Matic released Maskarad Batch. Maskarad is software which uses state-of-the-art technology to automatically locate and track head motions as well as facial expressions and precise lips movements.  Maskarad Batch makes this process easier by making able automation of processing thousands of video files without any user interaction. Of course the high quality of facial movements recognizing will be kept.

Maskarad Batch it’s a command line application which supports Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. It can convert thousands and hours of video material to facial animation performance data ready to be imported in your favorite 3d application like 3DsMax or Maya. This application can save you alot of time in your production pipeline and for running it you don’t need Masakard because Maskarad Batch is a standalone application. To know more about Maskarad read the following article: Maskarad v.1.1 released

Watch the video below to see it in action.

Source and full article: Di-O-Matic
