New player, new options, and more

New player, new options, and moreProbably you already noticed that we changed the player for playing our tutorials one more time and went from DarkOnyx player to the famous Flowplayer. The reason why we did this was very simple. Even though DarkOnyx as a player but also as a web management system was good the development on this project is stopped and there is no information if the development will continue or not. This was the main reason why we were searching and decided to implement instead of DarkOnyx, Flowplayer. I think i don’t have to introduce the player because it belongs between the top on the web and it’s constantly developed. In this moment we decided for the flash version of the player instead of the HTML5 version which so far don’t meet our requirements and don’t supports streaming which is crucial for us and also one of the reasons why we have a dedicated streaming server.


Together with the player we changed also the container for it which supports now the API of Flowplayer and allows us to stop() the video by changing the slide. Still, this is not the final word by the question of the player at 3D-Sphere and probably in the future we will choose the HTML5 version and mp4 format for our videos.

Of course the time we spent developing, implementing and with other stuff related to the new player we quite long and also cause this the announced material library is still not online. The other reason is that the system we choose for the library is near the release of a new major version which we would like to have as primary when we launch the material library. So, stay tuned and in the mean time we can slowly create new and new material which will be inside the library.

If you are asking sometimes how this portal is paid you have to know that so far from our pocket. Yes, it’s true; everything and I mean everything was so far paid from the pocket of the 3D-Sphere admins which is also quite sad, because nothing and again nothing which you can find here is paid. Even though you can see some Google ads at 3D-Sphere it doesn’t mean that they are also earning something or they can earn for the monthly costs of the page. How sad is that? JNow, if you are asking sometimes if there is anything that I can do to help 3D-Sphere, here are some tips;

  • Spread the word. Very simple, if you like us, like us also on Facebook or Twitter and also mention some word in the world for us.
  • If you find the ads interesting, check them out. We don’t want that anyone will click somewhere where he doesn’t want, but if you find them interesting, why not.
  • If you did something interesting, made some tutorial, material, texture or want just to say thank you, let us know, join our forum or write us directly.
  • If you have any idea how to make 3D-Sphere better, have some knowledge we could use, let us know. Every help is appreciated and every opinion important.
  • If you can, donate on the run of 3D-Sphere.