Maxon's workshop at VIEW Conference 2013

Maxon's workshop at VIEW Conference 2013VIEW Conference is the premiere international event in Italy focused on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 2D/3D Animation, Gaming and VFX. Every year, VIEW offers the latest most advanced and latest applications of virtual reality and interactive techniques in various fields, paying particular attention to industrial applications, the scope of the training and to the cinema, thanks to presentations by part of world-class experts in animation and visual effects. VIEW 2013 is starting from 15th to 18th October in Torino and will continue to focus on exploring the increasingly fluid boundary between real and digital worlds. Through lectures, meetings, tributes, exhibits, screenings and demo presentations VIEW will reveal the new digital frontier sweeping from cinema to architecture, from automotive design to advertisement, from medicine to videogames.

This year VIEW 2013 will host many sensational characters coming from the world of Computer Graphics, Cinema and Videogames. Among them there are Matthias Winckelmann and Renato Guazzo (proficient in Adobe After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D) who will analyse the fantastic live 3d pipeline between After Effects and CINEMA 4D – with focus on what is possible in CINEMA 4D Broadcast and Studio

You can register at Maxon's workshop at
You can register at the workshop with Paul Debevec at

Many other workshop and talks will enrich VIEW Conference progam, among them:

  • Yiotis Katsambas (FLIX Product Manager at The Foundry)
  • Paul Debevec (Associate Director of Graphics Research at USC and one of the most regarded CG researcher), who will hold a 6-hours workshop on "Lighting, Appearance, and Animation for Photoreal Digital Actors".
  • Fabrizio Arzani (Escape studios) with a workshop on "Camera Mapping"
  • and many others…

To view the complete program and list of workshops of the conference, please follow the links for more information. Program , Workshops

More information at: VIEW 2013