Explaining reflections and using array function in 3ds Max - page3

Now, we want to render a static image but the parts which are coming out will be looking strange without any “blur” effect. Using your right mouse button click on the object properties of our moving objects and set the “Motion Blur” settings to “Image” and the value to 7. Go to “Render Setup-Enviroment” and select the “Effects” tab. Add a new effect called “Motion blur” and keep the settings on default. Move the time-slider to a value of 85. If you render the scene right now you will see our blur effect on our objects.

Now we need to create a “plane” on which we will snap our objects. The „plane“ will be used not only as a ground for our objects but also as a background. Rotate the perspective view to an angle as i have. If you are happy with the current settings go to “Views-Create Camera From View”. This will create a camera from our current view and we can work again inside the perspective view and come back to our camera anytime. After creating the camera, creating lights will follow. Together with „MentalRay“ we will use „Photometric Lights“, to be specific the “Free lights”. Place one light into the scene, a pop-up window will appear with a note that together using this type of light we need to set-up also „exposure“, click ok. Change the light properties according to the settings below and rename it to „main light“;

  •  Shadows: On
  • Ray Traced Shadows
  • Light Distribution: Uniform diffuse
  • Intensity (cd): 500
  • Emit light from shape: Rectangle

Copy the main light and position the copied light similar to my set-up. Select the secondary light source and rename it to „secondary light“, change the light properties according to this;

  • Shadows: Off
  • Light Distribution: Uniform diffuse
  • Intensity (cd): 150
  • Emit light from shape: Rectangle

As you can notice on the images below I also changed the appearing of the “plane” and curved it a bit at the end and applied “turbosmooth” to make it smooth. We will change some settings including intensity and size later, but for initial set-up is this enough.

After creating the lights we need to create materials for our objects. The materials are pretty simple and the settings are displayed on the images below. We are using only “Arch & Design“ materials with one „Standard“ material for the plane. We will also use a texture for the “gold” material which you can find in the *.zip file attached to this tutorial at the end. You can also use our “Material library” and choose pre-defined materials from there. Apply the materials to our objects where

bt reflection max files.zip [128.16Kb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator
bt reflection textures.zip [1.41Mb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator