
3D-Sphere 2.0 online

3D-Sphere 2.0 onlineWe are happy to tell our users that the 2.0 version of 3D-Sphere is up and running. The migration process was as planned on Friday and took more than 6hours. During this time we successfully migrated 3D-Sphere to a new Joomla core and also new template which replaced the old one. These two major things moved 3D-Sphere to new standards including now HTML 5 and CSS3 code. Moreover the layout changed completely starting with a new logo and ending with a brand new news section divided into three main elements accessible from the index. Even though the migration was successfully we are still facing some tiny problems which we need to solve and would be solved during the next week. After this, starting the 1st April we will again publish tutorials. We hope you will like the new design and if you have any questions or suggestions please contact us or write on our forum.

Migrating to 3D-Sphere 2.0 in few days

3D-Sphere 2.0Starting this day we solved all issues which we encountered by “virtual” migrating the current 3D-Sphere to the new version 2.0. The date of migration is set to Friday, 23.03.2012 and during this time until further notice the web page would be set to offline mode. The time we need to migrate and prepare everything is variable and can float between 1-2 days. However we are optimistic and we think we can finish everything within Friday and the new website would be online the same day.

Preparation for migration is 90% done

3D-Sphere tutorialsWe are very happy to inform you that all preparation for migrating 3D-Sphere to her new version is almost done.  Still there are few things which had to be done before we would be able to migrate and start the new version. This includes virtual testing, template editing, stability tests and a lot more. The migration should be done before the end of March.

Tutorials embedded into articles

Tutorials embedded into articlesOne step before migrating to 3D-Sphere 2.0 was converting all tutorials to a format which would be able to embed into the articles and so allows the users to watch the tutorials directly without the need of downloading them. We decide to do this mainly because some users was requesting this, we had some server issues and to restrict direct linking to us. Moreover this process allowed us to experiment a bit more with the quality of the video tutorials and yesterday we found so far the best way how to convert the tutorials with better quality.

Do you want more 3D?

modelingAs we declared many times, is trying to bring you relevant information, which you should know, because they are interesting or helpful by modeling your artwork. We make many reviews of software and renderers which can change your preferences, which you use. But many users are looking for more, which is connected with 3D modeling e.g. VFX in upcoming games, movies and commercials or sneak peeks of upcoming products. And we daily bring something also for them. So do you want to see sneak peek of new features of 3ds Max or some useful tips provided by experts from Autodesk, who advice how to solve many problems?
