3D Tutorials


Modeling a euro coin in 3DsMax

Modeling coins in 3ds MaxIn this video tutorial for Autodesk 3ds Max i will show you how to model a euro coin. We will start from modeling the coin using a reference from a primitive and using poly-modeling technique we will add the main details on the coin. After we will use Adobe Photoshop to create a bump mask for the details on the coin using basic tools and brushes. Because one coin is a lonely coin we will use MassFX to simulate real-world distribution of numerous coins on a plane. Next we will set up the lights and materials for the coin and use Mental Ray for the final render together with Ambient-Occlusion map and Z-Depth.

bt coins max files.zip [345.86Kb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator
bt coins Textures Maps.zip [33.87Mb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator

Modeling Interior Chairs in 3DsMax

3ds Max video tutorial chairsIn this video tutorial for 3ds Max called “Modeling Interior Chairs” we will show you how easy are to model different chairs from the interior using a reference in Autodesk 3ds Max. We will start with a simple chair and go through different shapes of different chairs. Like this we will model together five chairs using a reference picture and poly-modeling technique. Starting from a primitive object in 3ds Max we will shape the model using editable poly to a shape like on the reference. Using subdivision and smooth modifier we will achieve smooth look of all our models.


Modeling a Laser Rifle in 3DsMax

3ds Max tutorials weapon Laser RifleThis video tutorial for 3ds Max is about modeling a Weapon - Laser Rifle from the popular gaming series Fallout using a reference and blueprint. At the beginning we will prepare our scene with the reference pictures and place it them into 3ds Max. We will start the modeling process from a box creating a rough shape of the model using poly-modeling technique. Slowly and step by step we will form the shape of the Laser Rifle like on the reference and add more and more objects to build every part of the weapon such as screws and other objects.


Modeling Interior Lamps in 3DsMax

Modling Interior Lamps in 3ds MaxThis is the first 3ds Max video tutorial in this new section called Interior where i would like to show you how to model different things which you can find in living room, kitchen and other areas of interior starting with modeling three different lamps. In the tutorial we will according a reference model three lamps starting with a simple one and continue with more difficult using poly modeling technique in 3ds Max. Starting from a primitive cylinder in 3ds Max we will shape the model using editable poly to a lamp. Using similar technique we will model a detailed model of a bulb including the wires inside. Using subdivision and smooth modifier we will achieve smooth and without failure our models.


Modeling iPhone4 in 3DsMax

3ds Max tutorials iPhone4In this video tutorial for 3ds Max I will show you how to model the Apple iPhone4 using a reference. At the beginning we will prepare our scene with the reference pictures and place it them into 3ds Max. We will start the modeling process from a box creating a rough shape of the model using poly-modeling technique. Slowly and step by step we will form the shape of the iPhone4 and start tu inset more and more details for the buttons and plugs which are on the phone. We will also use Photoshop to create and edit our texture for the model and use post-production to improve our final render.