3D Tutorials

Swords modeling in 3DsMax

3ds Max swords tutorial

In this video tutorial for 3ds Max we will show you and guide you through modeling three different swords from the medieval age. We will use a simple reference and real units to model the swords and slowly go through making a rough shape until making details using polymodeling technique and 3ds Max. We will make three different swords of different shape and with different depth of details on which you can learn how to step by step create advanced objects using just one and the same primitive. Using subdivision we will achieve smooth surface.

Roman sword, shield and javelin in 3DsMax

Roman sword modeling 3ds MaxThis is the first 3ds Max video tutorial in this news section called Medieval where i would like to show you how to model swords, shields, siege weapons and other from this age. Even that Roman don’t belong there i decided to anyway do these. We will go through modeling using a reference picture from a primitive cylinder in 3ds Max and shape it using editable poly to the sword on the reference. Using similar technique we will make the shield and after with few steps the javelin. Using subdivision we will achieve smooth and without failure our models.

Basic tutorial part 2 - Advanced 3DsMax

Default picture Basic tutorial 2This video tutorial is mainly focused about modeling techniques in 3ds Max and workflow functions. I will try to show you some functions and primitives with which you can start to plan and do your model, explain workflow in 3ds Max and show some tools which you can use for this. I will show hot to model a bulb using a reference, the bulb would be modeled with two different techniques on which you will see the differences in them and also the advantage of each of them, than we will modify one of the bulbs and recreate with other functions. At the end I will do a clay render with smooth and wire surface.

bt basic2 scene.zip [216.95Kb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator
bt basic2 light bulb.zip [21.31Kb]
Uploaded Monday, 27 March 2023 by Administrator

Trumpet - Modeling a trumpet in 3DsMax

Trumpet tutorial pictureWanted ever to create some musical instrument in 3ds Max? Now you will have the chance!We will use a simple blueprint like a reference and place it in 3ds Max which will allow us to model this instrument step by step like it’s on the reference picture. We will use poly modeling, starting from a basic cylinder and step by step transforming it in a copy of the reference picture. Using the basic and advance techniques of poly modeling we will create a smooth model.

Ring set - Modeling rings in 3DsMax

Ring set tutotrial pictureTo create smooth and perfect looking objects in 3ds Max is one of the points of this tutorial. We will focus on creating three different types of rings on which we will demonstrate advanced poly modeling with respect on the geometry which will allow us to create smooth and clean models without any crack in the geometry. The details of the rings we create by using functions which will allow us to make nice and smooth details on our model and his accessories.
